Selenium + Java: How to start

Why Selenium Webdriver + Java is a great combination for web service integration testing?

Note: This note is about using Selenium Webdriver with Java. You can also read about using Selenium with Nightwatch JS in this post.

Selenium Webdriver is an amazing tool allowing you to interact with browsers installed in your system. It allows you to create test scenarios like “open this page – check element is visible – click on this button – check something happened”. This testing approach is called behavior-driven development (BDD). In other words – you make a program which will do the same work you do while performing tests during the development process.

Selenium itself is a tool to control a browser. To write testing scenarios you should use a programming language like JS or Java. Full list of supported languages can be found on this page.

Why Java? Java is a very popular programming language having a great library of modules which allow you to interact with databases, SSH servers, etc. Due to this you will create extremely powerful testing scenarios.

Continue reading “Selenium + Java: How to start”

Patching with Git

About patching

Generally a patch – is a file containing source code differences. In a patch you can specify which line in which file should be added, updated or deleted. The structure of such file is standardized – that means if you create a patch file in Windows you can easily implement it on Linux.

Let’s imagine you have a project you work on. You have a production server and a development workstation. Before starting your work you copied the production source code to the workstation and initiated a Git repo there. After you finish updating you need to apply updates on the production server.

How can you do that? The easiest way is to create a patch.

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