Debug PHP like Pro: Intellij Idea + VirtualBox + XDebug

VirtualBox + XDebug overview

For a long time I used to use built-in PHP debugging function like var_dump, debug_backtrace, spl_object_hash etc. That tools are very useful but there is one tool combining all of them. I’m talking about XDebug PHP module. With XDebug you can stop code execution in any place you need and get all information about objects, variables and call stack in one window.

breakpoint overview

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How to obtain cheap USA IP address just for $5/month with VPS and PPTP

Living in Russia I need USA IP address for my work. VPN provider I used to use offer USA address for $20/month, that is too much. To save my money bought a small Ubuntu VPS and installed a private VPN server. In fact, you are not limited geografically – look aroud to find VPS provider in the area you need and follow this article VPN section instructions.

Step 1: Buy a VPS

First of all find a cheap VPS provider (e.g. Linode, Digital Ocean, etc.). Most of them offer free trial period (usually about a week) so if you need foreign access just for once you can get it for free.

Continue reading “How to obtain cheap USA IP address just for $5/month with VPS and PPTP”