By default CKEditor shows filemanager in a popup window. That may cause problems if a browser blocks popups. The solution is to show filemanager in modal. This article is about how to use Bootstrap modal to show filemanager.
Month: October 2017
How to install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 14.04
Installing old versions of PHP in modern OS can be tricky. Here is my instruction about how to install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 14.04. Continue reading “How to install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu 14.04”
Configuring Grunt
Configuring Grunt
Check this post to know how to install Grunt. Grunt has main script file called Gruntfile.js. It is a nodejs module – means that you are free to use all power of nodejs there.
The module is wrapped up with this construction:
module.exports = function(grunt) { ..... some code here ..... }
We pass grunt object inside the module for further usage.
Let’s look closer how to use it.
Installing Grunt
Grunt is a NodeJS plugin that helps you automate many development routines. Further instruction contains Windows examples but it would work for Linux and MacOS as well. The only difference – NodeJS installation process.